Fetch periodic balances from your Bkper book. Gives you the periodic account balance values related to a time range.
=BKPER_BALANCES_PERIOD(bookId, cache, query, expanded, transposed, hideDates)
Sample usage
=BKPER_BALANCES_PERIOD("agtzfmJrcGVyLWhyZHITCxIGTGVkZ2VyGICAgKD_4bMLDA", 1, “group:'Revenue' after:01/2016 before:01/2017”, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE)
Explaining the syntax:
bookId: string - The universal Book Id.
cache: number - Cache-control. Increase to clean cache and force fetch update.
query: string - The query.
expanded: TRUE, FALSE or number - Expand group tree. True to expand itself, -1 to expand all subgroups. -2 to expand all accounts. Any number to expand up to a specific level
transposed: TRUE or FALSE - Transpose the result
hideDates: TRUE or FALSE - Hide dates row/column
- The result is ordered by account names.
- If not referenced in the query the default period is monthly.
- The periodic balance values are fetched for the debits / credits in a range of time.
- Useful for P&L