If you're experiencing issues connecting or reconnecting your bank to Bkper, please try the following troubleshooting suggestions.
Transactions are not coming
Tip 1: Wait a little bit
After made your first book connection, it typically takes a while for a transaction appears on the book.Tip 2: Select a new historical period and resave it
Go to Automations portal
Book Configurations
Choose the period
And then, click "Save Configuration"
Couldn't connect to your institution
Invalid credentials
Maybe you entered incorrect credentials at their selected institution. Please retry entering correct credentials. Extra spaces, capitalization, and punctuation errors are common causes of invalid credentials.
Technical problems
The common cause for this error is the financial institution experiencing temporary technical problems.
Transactions From a Bank Connection Stopped Coming Through
Sometimes, after a period of working smoothly, your Bkper Bank Connection may stop recording transactions from your financial institution. This can happen due to various reasons, such as technical issues, periodic disconnections, or security measures enforced by your bank.
If your bank transactions are no longer syncing without apparent errors, please try to follow these steps to re-establish the connection:
Step 1: Remove the Bank Account from Your Book
1. Go to the Automations Portal (⚙️).
2. Navigate to Book Integrations.
3. Select the Bank Account that is no longer syncing.
4. Click Remove to disconnect it from your book.
Step 2: Disconnect the Bank Connection
1. Still in the Automations Portal, go to User Connections.
2. Select the Bank Connection that is no longer working.
3. Click Disconnect to remove it.
Step 3: Create a Bank Connection.
This process refreshes the integration, ensuring that the connection and integration are correct.
If you try the tips above and you’re still having issues, contact us informing the name of your bank that you are trying to connect so we can check what's happening. You can also investigate at your financial institution if there are any issues with third party connections.