With Drag and Drop you can:
Drag and Drop to Upload attachments on a transaction
Drag and Drop CSV and BBT files to record batch entries
Drag and Drop to record drafts
Add multiple attachments per transaction
Fewer clicks, less work
Drag and drop is a much more efficient way to insert files and transform them into transactions. Instead of clicking on the attachment button, find your file on your computer/cellphone to insert it, you now simply drag and drop (one or more files) into your book and you are ready to go. You can attach images and files (.jpeg, .jpg, .png, .gif, .tiff, .webp, .PDFs, .txt, .csv)
How to do it?
Drag and drop your attachments in three ways:
1) Record a new entry by dropping file(s) on the gray form section. All files will be part of one transaction.
2) Record new entries by dropping files into white space below the transaction list. Each file will become one new draft.
3) Add attachments to existing transactions by dropping one or more files on the transaction that you want.
Where ever you drop a CSV file all entries on it will be recorded as individual drafts.