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Chart Reports

Quickly access the Charts of any Account or Group in your books

Updated over 10 months ago

Bkper Charts represent Balance Values in any range of time and are a Fast and Easy way to visually analyze your Finances.

Open Charts I

  1. Sign in to Bkper.

  2. Open your book.

  3. Go to the Transactions page.

  4. Click on a Balance Value of any Account or Group in the left menu.

  5. The Charts Appear.

Note: Click on the Account or Group Name and only the search result appears, Click on the Balance Values and both the Charts and the search results appear.

Open Charts II

  1. Sign in to Bkper.

  2. Open your book.

  3. Go to the Transactions page.

  4. Click on the Charts Button any time it appears on your book.

  5. The Charts Appear.

Close the Charts

Click on the X in the top right corner of the charts panel


Click on the Sandwich button in the menu bar.

Interact with Charts

Pass your mouse over the Lines or Bars in the Charts to see the Balance Values on a specific date.

The granularity of details in the Charts depends on your query in the search bar.

Drill down In the Hierarchy on the Charts

The Charts contain the same information as the Chart of Accounts Hierarchy.

Click on a Line or a Bar in the Charts that represents a Group, and the next level of the hierarchy appears on the chart.

The highest level in this example Hierarchy is the Net Assets.

Click on the Net Assets Line, and the chart updates with Assets and Liabilities

Continue to Click till you get to the last level of Accounts in the Hierarchy.

Click on the Arrow in the top left corner of the Charts panel to back up one level in the Hierarchy.

Analyze Transactions from the Charts

Click on an Accounts Line or Bar on the Chart to update the Transaction list below.



  • Charts are always related to a Search (query) condition.

  • With Charts opened, you can click on any Account or Group in the transactions bellow to change to this component's Info on the Charts.

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