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Bkper Comments

Financial collaboration empowered by contextual communication

Updated over 11 months ago

Bkper Comments allow you to communicate within the context of your finances.  You can leave requests to your peers or you can simply add contextual notes to your book. It helps to optimize financial communications, have a clear historic reference, involve peers (slackers) and to become paperless.

Comments are contextual, meaning that they make reference either to a selection or a search query on your screen. If you have one transaction selected the comment and further communication will stay within the context of this transaction and if you make a comment at the moment your book shows the result of a search query, the comment and further communication is made within the context of the result of this search query. 

Make a comment 

  1. Select one transaction, account, group, hashtag or run a search query

  2. Click the comment icon

  3. Write your comment (you can refer to a @username to notify people on the book).

  4. Click "Save"

Note: add @username to comments to make sure users are notified about the comment.

Delete a Comment

1. Open the comments sidebar
2. Press the trash bin icon on a comment to delete it. 

Deleted comments are shown on the Activity history. 

Note: Comments cannot be edited

Comment notifications

New comments with a @username notify that user by email and with a red dot on the comment icon when they open the book. Comments in the context off a specific transaction add a black comment icon on that transaction.

Note: The comment icon on transactions turns white once the comment has been read by you.

Email Notification & further communication

When a @username is mentioned in a comment, in the context of one transaction, he or she will receive an email notification. The @user can simply reply to notification email with an attachment. A new comment is added to the context of this transaction with the email body content as the text of the comment and the attachment is added to this transaction. 

Note: when the context of the comment is not one transaction, the attachment will be added to a newly created draft.

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